Originally Posted by TeknoSounds
So I hope your donations can cover the $200/yr for the lesser mobile suite...vs just your few people who are doing the 500 hits paying the $2 to buy an app on their smartphone (which they probably already have bought tons of apps like angry birds and such, is $2 REALLY that much?)
Tapatalk ftw.
My sites don't run off of donations. Advertisements, affiliate links, paid memberships to name a few. If you don't make a monetary gain off of your site and could care less whether or not you get return visitors, then sure, install Tapatalk. Altough, if people are going to pay $2.99 for a Tapatalk app, why not charge them $2.99 for your own app? Assuming your site would be considered an "Authority" in whatever market you're in and would deserve it's own app. You could charge a dollar for it and you'd need a whopping 200 sales through out the entire year to make up the cost. You could do the same scenario with mobile ads and affiliate offers.
There's a huge difference between free and not free. Read "Predictably Irrational" by Dan Ariely. My goal with my visitors is to make monetary gain off of them and have loyal, repeat users. You're cutting yourself way too short if you think Taptalk will accomplish that for you in comparison to your own free app. And my argument from before was how many people install this app thinking it's free to their users?
No one backing up Tapatalk wants to address that issue. If it's not free for your users, don't say it is. It's false advertising. At the end of the day, Tapatalk is piggy backing off of our efforts - indefinitely - as long as you have their mod installed. (I removed the prompt, though).
You can't argue the comparison between offering Tapatalk and offering your own app. It's apples and oranges. One will grow your business and the other grows theirs. I kept Tapatalk installed for the simple reason I want to keep it there for the people who
already have it. No one here is going to make more money selling Tapatalk to their users. And if they did, they'd make a substantial amount more offering their own free app as 100% of every user who wants the app could have it for free, compared to paying for it.