Originally Posted by fly
There is actually a ton of difference as far as usability. You wouldn't know, because you haven't bought the app, so you really cant jump to these conclusions.
If you're going to call me out for jumping to conclusions then rebuttal what I said with evidence. If there's a ton of differences as far as usability, what are they? You would think Tapatalk would state these vast differences
(eg. their website or app store). Unfortunately the only feature list I've been able to dig up is on the app store which goes through a short list of very basic features such as the app supports image uploading, private messaging, etc. All of my users can do that already - they don't need an app to do it. What can a user do with Tapatalk that they can't do with my site already?
Originally Posted by fly
Except it only works for vBulletin forums. If you have vBulletin forum goers with a smartphone, chances are that a good portion of them already own Tapatalk for other forums.
I get 500+ mobile hits to my site per day. Less than 1% of them have Tapatalk. With the vBulletin app, the app is FREE to your users and BRANDED with your name. I've kept Tapatalk installed and removed the prompt simply because I do occasionally see Tapatalk users hit my site and become members - which as of now is the only advantage I see of keeping it installed.
Originally Posted by fly
edit: But in truth, you should install them ALL. Its never a good idea to inhibit your users.
So I think in a nutshell this would conclude that:
1. You should have a mobile theme/style on your site
2. Tapatalk is only useful for their database (Yep, you agreed,

3. The custom vBulletin app to give or sell to your users for free is the way to go...
I mean, if a non tapatalk user came to your site - what would you want them to have? $2.99 tapatalk app or your own custom app for free :P