Originally Posted by AntiThesis
I find that replacing image.php?u=$userid with $avatarurl[0] helps a great deal as it seems to handle better.
So it would look like: <img src='$avatarurl[0]'
That and changing "Profile de AntiThesis" to "Profile for AntiThesis"
Simply adding the following code to search_results_threadbit works:
$userid = $thread['postuserid'];
$username = $thread['postusername'];
$avatarurl = fetch_avatar_url($userid);
if ($avatarurl == '') {
$avatar = "<div class='avatar_forumdisplay' style='float:$stylevar[left]'><a href='member.php?u=$userid'><img src='$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/aucun_avatar.gif' border='0' width='50' height='50' alt='Profile for $username'></a></div>";
else {
$avatar = "<div class='avatar_forumdisplay' style='float:$stylevar[left]'><a href='member.php?u=$userid'><img src='$avatarurl[0]' border='0' width='50' height='50' alt='Profile for $username'></a></div>";
Never mind got the array fixed with the code that was post it on this quote Thanks.