Does anyone know of a php file, that when you go to it, any notices that you dismissed reappears, then drops you back at the forum index.
I have the file from another site,
PHP Code:
if ($_COOKIE['bbuserid']==0 || $_COOKIE['bbuserid']==null)
{ die('You must be logged in to reset dismissed notices.'); }
$con = mysql_connect("localhost",$config['MasterServer']['username'],$config['MasterServer']['password']);
mysql_select_db($config['Database']['dbname'], $con);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM tta_noticedismissed WHERE userid=" . $_COOKIE['bbuserid']);
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = ""
But dont know how to re-put it, so it can work on my forum.
Any help?