Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
The vast majority of people are glad that we release free versions of our modifications. If a lot of our customers disliked it, we would stop doing it. I'm pretty sure the people in this thread would prefer to have a free version released by us, instead of the absolutely nothing you think we should be offering.
If you have no need for a quiz mod, then why come in here and complain about us releasing one? If your aim is just to troll people for daring to make a living vbulletin.org isn't the place to do it.
If you think people should have a quiz mod with no pro version then make and release one, otherwise please troll elsewhere.
My complaint is not the quiz mod, it is baiting people to buy a mod to get more options. Why not just release a full pro version of the mod for free? I'm sure that would get you many more accolades from everyone is this thread. You still have all of your other mods to make money with.