I tried the fix by pwr_sneak.
What I found is that as an Admin, if I change the permissions for the admin user group to NOT be able to close own threads, that I did not see the checkbox for ANY thread, regardless of who started it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the way the hack is in the last version that I posted, will work just fine for the vast majority of people who use the default permissions scheme, where admins can close any thread, mods can close threads in their forums, and regular members cannot close any threads at all, right? If this is true, then I'm leaving my version posted as-is. If you use a different permission scheme, then it kind of complicates things, and I think part of the problem is that there is no permission setting (that I can find) that lets a user or user group be able to close any thread, just the one where they can close their own threads.