Originally Posted by tercede
First thought, way too much noise. No, I can't read the text very easily throughout the design. I really dislike the white text on a black background. Takes long to load initially.
It's a good attempt and I like how you made some of the background transparent.
Thanks, i have changed a few things, removed the names on the side darkened the background and and changed a few text colors.
Originally Posted by Lynne
The background is too busy and distracting for me the way you have it showing through all over. And, I can't see the navbar area very well. I like the colors and the icons/images you have made. I think if you made the background a bit more opaque, it may work better.
The navbar is on my to do list

The logo is a problem but i like it so much
I'm gonna keep trying, this has to be beautiful but also easy on the eyes the last thing i wanna do is to scare people away
Originally Posted by moehq
one its based of a current skin and the background is to hardto see
Yes the skin is skinden fps but i changed alot of stuff and the background is a bit hard see but when i brighten it up then you have a problem reading stuff. I'm still trying to balance it.
I'm not giving up
Thank you all for taking your time and i hope in the next few days i can sort things out