Having a bit of trouble with the BB code parsing on article.php
It's set to not parse BB code, but one of our custom image alignment BB codes is displaying the URL from inside the tags:
Spring has arrived here in Michigan quite suddenly, going from wet, rainy, and cold to hot, sunny, and downright balmy in the space of a couple of days. Of course, it seems only right that with the sudden appearance of Spring, the new edition of Kobold Quarterly should arrive! http://www.neuroglyphgames.com/rpgbl...4/KQ-Cover.jpgAnd Issue 17 of Kobold Quarterly, the Switzerland of the Edition Wars, is full of feature articles, new content, and editorials containing new material for Pathfinder, D&D 4E, and Dragon Age RPG. As with my previous reviews of Kobold Quarterly, each article will be rated on a scale of 1-5 for Crunch and Fluff to give readers an idea of how useful the material is for their game system. But I have also decided to change the format of my grading system for reviews to a similar format – so rather than assigning a letter grade as I have done previously, each criteria will get a rating of 1-5, with...
Is there any way for the mod to simply ignore that BB code and not post that URL in the middle of the article preview text?