Originally Posted by clauz
Anyone can help me with my problem?
My screenshot can be seen on my previous post.
I will take a look on it.
Originally Posted by eoc_Jason
Good to see that someone is maintaining my old add-on... :up:
After reading through a couple pages of posts it sure brings back memories... Years later and same old questions / problems... Makes me seriously debate if I ever want to pick up where I left off on this.
Nice to have you back here. What questions / problems do you mean?
Originally Posted by Welshy2008
Is there any way to set this up so that, as Old-Git says is using it, so that it can only be used for the dedicated "For Sale or Transaction" forum (threads) and that ONLY members that have been in a sale can leave or receive feedback (sorry if this has been asked, but I don't fancy trawling through all those pages to look).
Just to clarify, ONLY members that have purchased from/sold to, can leave and receive feedback for each other and not a clown on the forum who has not had a transaction leaving it.
And also, I notice that the "Enter the URL" in not compulsory - are we able to make it compulsory please?
Many Thanks.
No, the system doesn't recognize who has been part of a trade. How could it?
There is an option for that to make the "Enter the URL" input field compulsory.