Originally Posted by betts02
If you used this for say Football (Soccer)
At the end of a season you could have 2 teams with the same points
But if you had - For - this would be how many goals they have scored
Against - this would be how many goals they have had scored against them
Team a - For - 30 ----- Against - 10 - this would give them a difference of +20
Team b - For - 30 ----- Against - 14 - this would give them a difference of +16
So team A would be the winner
Any update on this ?
Also if possible :
The Leagues need to be shown as the Ladders and tournaments are, So you do not have to view ladders to enter a league
It needs its own tab and section
So you would have :
Have the ability for admins to select what division a team gets placed in
Have it so when you make a league you can :
League name :
Season : - With drop down so you can name the seasons
Divisions : - With drop down so you can name the divisions
Teams per division - Drop down so you can select how many teams play in a division
At the end of a season, Automatically keep ALL teams in the same divisions/leagues apart from the obvious teams who get promoted/relegated
Option via admin to place a team in any division they see fit and swap teams around
Option to remove a team before or during a season and add another in its place but keeping all the same results
If for whatever reason a team drops out and no other teams are available
Admin can remove the team and all resultys,points be removed accordingly from other teams that have played them and give a fee week to the upcoming fixtures
Still testing this and with more features its slowly becoming a great mod