Originally Posted by Vaira
If there is something not kosher then it is the fact that you have to pay for the importer of Dragon Bytes (DB) alternative : http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/threa...Thank-You-Hack
It is a shame that the original idea of abe1 is now used to make money by others.
DB knows that most of us already have a thanks database based on abe1's original hack.
Their free version doesn't provide the needed importer. So some swich over to DB and pay for the pro version to import the thanks database.
IMHO it is morally questionable what DB does.
It must be freeware to respect abe1's idea.
Hence I appreciate it very much that you can provide a fixed version of it.
I want to stick with abe1's hack as long as possible. I do not pay DB (importer) for something another has originally invented!!!
Thank you very much for your effort.  :up:
Just a little note that Abe was far from the first person to create a thanks mod (It's very likely he got the idea elsewhere), and our modification does not use any code from Abe's mod - it is created from scratch with many more features than Abe's mod had =).
The idea of it being morally questionable to be paid for ones work seems odd to me, most people do not work for free, including yourself in all likelyhood