Originally Posted by inciarco
-1. In the "class_humanverify_keycaptcha.php" File you Should Add the <fieldset class="fieldset"> and the </fieldset> in order for it to Display Ok (as the Other Options in the Registration Form).
$tmpl = '<fieldset class="fieldset"><legend>##task##</legend><table style="padding:0; spacing:0; border:none;"><tr style="padding:0; spacing:0; border:none;">'.
'<td><input type=hidden value="1" id="humanverify" name="humanverify" /><input type=hidden value="1" id="hash" name="hash" />##keycaptchacode##'.
'<noscript>Debes Activar JavaScript en Tu Navegador. Despues de Ello Recarga la Pagina.'.
'De Otra Manera No Podras Publicar Informacion en Este Sitio.</noscript></td></tr></table></fieldset>';
-2. I'd be Nice that the Mod Displays the Message Window/Box When the Puzzle Isn't Well Resolved, as when the Password Isn't Well Writen or Is Different in Both Text Boxes. 
Hello, inciarco,
Today we uploaded the new updated plugin for 3.7-4.x versions of vBulletin where these your requests were satisfied.
Well, since it is the same plugin as one for vBulletin 4.x backward compatible with previous versions
please see more details of changes there