Itrader does not do anything like that Welshy. It is merely an enhanced reputation system.
Let me explain, I run a hobby board in the UK. We have a forum set aside for folks who want buy, sell or trade hobby items. These are private transactions between individuals and all the forum offers them is a central location where they can start a thread listing what they want to get/want to dispose, and how they want to do this sell, buy or trade. It's nothing more than just people posting threads. Caveat Emptor applies and everyone knows that these are private transactions and nothing to do with the board. Like you I have looked at MicroClassifieds as a replacemtn for this but found it too cluttered and not very well thought out. So I've decided to stick with the dedicated forum and leave it at that until something better comes along.
In the meantime Itrader allows me to add an extra tab on everyone's profile page that simply indicates how many postive, neutral and negative feedbacks they have received from people who have choosen to leave them a feedback for one of these transactions. It can be link to the transaction by including a URL to the original thread. There is also the option to add a 'leave feedback' button on the first post in a thread in the dedicated forum.
You can leave a postive (plus1), a neutral (0), or a negative (-1) and a comment 85 characters long. Everyone can see these. There is also provision to leave a longer, discussion type message which can only be seen by the two main parties and the admin team. This, I presume, is for dispute resolution issues.
There's not much more to it than that and it does seem to do what it does rather well. I've played with it on my test rig and have just installed in on my live system although I haven't yet let my users live on it. I'm waiting to upgrade to 4.1.3 to ensure that there are no issues with this before I do that.
NOW, how about adding a Northern Ireland flag to you flag mod so I can install it on my site. I'd love to use it but I have a load of Ulstermen who will get miffed with me if I don't give them their flag also!