Good job as always, VonDoom!
Hey guys, see a lot of "how do I" in this so I figure I would add some extras and some may find this example useful:
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left"onMouseover="this.scrollAmount=0" onMouseout="this.scrollAmount=5"><font size="3"color=Yellow>Check out the <a href="http:/PAGE YOU WANT THE CLICKED WORD TO GO"><font size="3"color=Yellow>CLICKABLE WORD</a> tab on the Navbar...for all your latest Video Info and tutorials</font></marquee>
The Scrolling Marque reads: " Check out the tab on the Navbar...for all your latest Video Info and tutorials"
I added the MOUSEOVER so the marquee stops so people don't chase the clickable word(s) when mouse removed, it resumes.
I gave an example on how to make a clickable word in your marquee as well
Also, How to change the font size and color. Notice the font size and color is in there twice? If you change the color of your marquee, you must change it in the http tag as well or the clickable word will be forum default.