Ok, i managed to make the smilies to show in the PM-Quickreply box!
Simple edit to make in the template
HTML Code:
<div class="editor_textbox quickreply">
<textarea name="message" id="{vb:raw editorid}_textarea" rows="10" cols="80" tabindex="1" dir="{vb:stylevar textdirection}"></textarea>
Add under:
HTML Code:
<vb:if condition="($vbulletin->options['lynne_sb_below'])"><div class="editor_smiliebox">{vb:raw smiliebox}</div></vb:if>
You don't have to set up the option in the main panel
"Add smiliebox below Quick Reply on showthread page" to yes!
I have another Plugin that conflict with this option and .....Lynne is too busy to play around with these
I tried to add the same code in the
showthread-quickreply but it only shows the space the the smilies would be in and no smilies are showing
It as to be something so simple.....but i'm not a top coder
Hope it helped out a bit