Originally Posted by janaf
Is there a commercial version too? I'd like to make some contribution and hope that this will be a long-lived mod.
There is a commercial version of this and thats about all i can say here visit my site for more info on this.
Originally Posted by janaf
For some reason fixed with works OK now 
Thats good i thought i was going to have to go through all the templates and fix something lol.
Originally Posted by janaf
Small bug;
In ACP list of Products & Services, the item Name link and Edit drop-down point to different URLS:
Item Title: ..../admincp/microcart_admin.php?do=edit&id=1 (not working)
Edit: ..../admincp/microcart_admin.php?do=editproduct&id=1 (working)
I have also seen this error and will be fixing this very soon.
Originally Posted by janaf
I'm aware that this is bold, bad timing and opening a can of worms, but based on my own development and modding several shop systems and codes, my "dream version 2.0" of microCart would use the vB CMS pages, instead of a separate shop structure. Ie, shopping would be added as CMS page attributes:
- If this CMS page is a Shop Item [Y/N]
- then add to the CMS page; price, quantity, checkout buttons, item ID etc in the ACP and front end pages....
The big advantage would be that things like page navigation, editing, commenting, searches, page layout, categories sytem, images, thumbnails, gadgets etc in the front end and ACP page structure etc would be the normal vB CMS / forum, so no development would be needed for that.
Also important is that the shopping pages would blend in fully with the rest of the site.
The "Your Shopping Cart" code could be converted, possibly with very few changes, into a vB gadget, placed in a sidebar.
Order history and invoices could be found by the users, under their Profile page.
Many parts of the ACP / back end for microCart could probably remain unchanged....
I think that in the long term this would be a very efficient development path, as much of the front end development would be taken care of via the CMS and some of the back end development by the ACP so the microCart development could concentrate on the shop specifics only.
I like this idea and would have to look into this before making this step as that means there would be 3 versions of this cart system.
These would have to stay as some members dont use or want the CMPS system installed for there sites.
1 free version
1 commercial version
This would have to be a new system alltogether.
1 new CMPS version