*raises his hand infront of the masses*
There seems to be a lot of people here who like to knock the guys and gals at YaBB/phpBB etc because they're free boards? Before switching to vB, I originally used YaBB and I have to say, I would not be here to purchase vB without them. My site was born and bred on YaBB... if we had a problem, they answered it within hours, if not minutes, if you have a suggestion they really listen to you and what you have to say, and not only that, they give an awful lot of people the ability to host some damn fine forum software, build up a community and get their site moving in the early stages.
There's plenty of coders here who'll knock the faults of some of the other free boards (knock UBB all you like, $200 for an inferior board and bad support..?), but these guys are real hero's. I bought vB because I could afford it, and because it's the best board by a mile, but, at the end of the day, Jelsoft is doing it for the money, the programmers are doing it for the money, people from phpBB and YaBB lay their backsides on the line for nothing in return, get nothing but abuse for their efforts, and still manage to produce some damn fine forum software.