so i checked the xml and here's the solution - maybe you can change it in the download.
you must change one part in the product-pointmarket.xml
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_3` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_2`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_3` column";
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_3` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_3`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_4` column";
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_3` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_4`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_5` column";
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_3` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_2`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_3` column";
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_4` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_3`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_4` column";
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_5` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_4`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_5` column";