I thought I saw this issue mention in this thread before, but can you increase the security to check permissions on the section the quote comes form? It doesn't happen often, but every now and then someone will paste a quote into a different section than the one the quote came from, potentially notifying a user they were quoted in an area off-limits to them.
IE: I quoted a regular user in a public thread and pasted the quote in the staff section, and the regular user was notified and it showed the title of the staff thread. Not too huge a deal, but depending on the content and context it could cause problems for people.
Edit: Two additional comments:
1.) Seems like I have intermittent load time issues since installing this on our forum the other night. Might be unrelated, as we just pushed out a major forum upgrade on Monday, but I thought I would mention it because I didn't notice it until I added this mod.
2.) I'm anticipating requests from users who don't care to be notified about this sort of thing wanting to disable it, so the ability to disable at least notifications from the user CP would be really cool.