Originally Posted by guest9
sorry for another question
do you know any mod that has the features i am looking for?
Sorry, no. I think there was some older stuff from 3.5 that did it, but I don't know of anything for 4.0+.
Originally Posted by mickknutson
Is there any reason why this mod can't change so that the standard VB templates do not have to be modified?
I just hate having to merge VB templates and am curious as to whether those merges could be avoided?
{rsvp:var rsvp.comment}
No, because there are no template hooks in the calendar templates. Nothing has really been done to the calendar in ages, because it's not a very widely used feature compared to the rest of the system. Feel free to post a feature request issue at
the tracker, but don't expect them to accept the request.
Can it be done without template hooks?
Yes... But it isn't a very efficient or even a good idea. I won't really get into the details - but since you're asking I'm assuming you're not a developer, and it's something you'd need a developer for.