thats easier than you think
as your not going to be bothering about permissions and probably not going to use the vB global file.
PHP Code:
//forum which holds reviews
$reviewforum = 3;
mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "pass");
if(isset($r)) {
$getreview = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM post WHERE threadid='$r' AND forumid='$reviewforum'");
while($reviewcontent = mysql_fetch_array($getreview)) {
if($reviewcontent['title']) {
echo "$reviewcontent[title]<br>\n";
echo "$reviewcontent[pagetext ]";
else {
$review = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM thread WHERE forumid='$reviewforum'");
while ($reviews = mysql_fetch_array($review)) {
echo "Review: <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?r=$reviews[threadid]\">$reviews[title]</a>";
thats the getting of the titles then the review content, all you'll need to do it handle the comment reply and the output o fit.