Image Upload Problem
OK after upgrading my forum, I have a big problem.
Please note that I have searched the error and read EVERY thread there was regarding this issue. And I have tried every solution offered. Most of the threads i saw had no responses which i felt weird, hopefully somebody can help me figure this out.
Anyway, members can't change avatars. Actually they can but only by uploading them from their local drive. When they paste a web link to an avatar they want to use, they get this error:
vBulletin Message
Upload failed due to failure writing temporary file.
Here is what I have checked tried to save us some time.
My TMP folder, customavatars, images/avatars etc are all set to 777.
I made a php.ini and put open_basdir= Off in it. THIS FIXED half of the problem, allowing me to upload local images like I said above.
When i got to Admin/Avatars the location says:
Avatars are currently being served from the filesystem at ./customavatars
attachments: Attachments are currently being stored in the filesystem at customavatars
the Image Settings are set to "GD" I switched it to ImageMagick 6 but have no idea what that is or means. Nor was I sure what to put in Path to the ImageMagick 6 binaries (convert and identify). But I didn't think this would be the problem anyway.
Have tried a few other things but this is the bulk of it. All old mods have been uninstalled and all that as well.
Does anybody have any other ideas?