Originally Posted by Morrus
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but spam on our forum and increased tenfold since installing KeyCAPTCHA. If anything, it seems less secure than the reCAPTCHA or the Q&A methods (both of which are far from perfect, but seem to reduce spam more than KeyCAPTCHA does). I've been deleting spam posts and banning spammers all day for a couple of days now - hundreds of them - since installing this.
Hello, Morrus,
according to our verification:
all registration on your site were created by humans,
no bot has passed, more correctly to say - was used to pass, KeyCAPTCHA for registrations
Our stats shows that your site had 169 successful KeyCAPTCHA passing
(and I believe that "hundreds" starts somewhere after 200)
Programmaticlly assisted spam could appear because you do not have verification by KeyCAPTCHA for already registered users.
So, it is sufficient for bot operator to register manually and continue spamming with a bot.
vBulletin has functionality requiring to pass captcha for users having less than 10 posts