Originally Posted by Morrus
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but spam on our forum and increased tenfold since installing KeyCAPTCHA. If anything, it seems less secure than the reCAPTCHA or the Q&A methods (both of which are far from perfect, but seem to reduce spam more than KeyCAPTCHA does). I've been deleting spam posts and banning spammers all day for a couple of days now - hundreds of them - since installing this.
As the Matter of
100% of SPAM BOTS, because SPAM BOTS Can't Solve the PUZZLES.
Is 100% Impossible to STOP SPAMMERS (Persons) From Registering, (NO SYSTEM CAN Simply Because Humans Find Ways to Try and Joke Any Registration System), but You Can Implemment and Configure Other Systems to Reduce That From Happening:
1. KEYCAPTCHA (Stops 100% of SPAM
2. Create and Set "User Profile Fields", and Force Users to Write Answers in Them, so that They Have to Write Coherent Answers, (SPAMMERS, TROLLS, and LEECHERS Will Provide Wrong Answers and those You'll BAN For doing that because those are SPAMMERS).
3. Use the "COPPA Registration System", so that No Person Can Write ANY Birth Date, and Also to NOT Accept Registrations Under 13 Years Old.
4. Set To YES the "Moderate New Members" Option on the "User Registration Options", so that You Can Review the Answers that Users Make to the "User Profile Fields" Before Accepting their Accounts. Give Yourself the Opportunity to BAN TROLLS and SPAMMERS that Write TRASH on those Fields, they for Sure Will Be SPAMMERS.
5. Set "Follow Forum Moderation Rules If no, posts are always placed into moderation queue" on "Post / Thread Permissions" as "NO", for Usergroups Not Approved ("Not Activated" and "Pending Approval"), so that Every message They Post is Moderated, and that Way NO SPAM from HUMAN SPAMMERS or TROLLS is Viewed (can be Posted but NO ONE WILL SEE IT), and that way if they Post SPAM You BAN THEM and Delete their TRASH Posts. NEVER Allow those Usergroups to Create New Threads.
6. Use Also an Additional System as "
vMail - Verify Mail before registration", so that No User Can Register Without Validating His/Her Contact E-mail Address.
7. Use Also another Additional System as "
NoSpam! for vBulletin 3.7", so that Users Have to Answer a Validation Question (like a Mathematical Question or whatever related to Your Web Site), so that No User Can Register Without Knowing the Answer to that Question.
8. There are other thing More to Tell, but with the Previous Ones You'll STOP SPAMMERS, TROLLS, and LEECHERS, so much, that You'll Reduce their Registrations and Keep Them Under Control. Also Many Users Will be Annoyed by that, but You Have to Choose if You Want
QUALITY Users Registering or Just QUANTITY (The Quantity don't Participate, they're Just LEECHERS).
I 100% Recommend KEYCAPTCHA, Because is a
Beautiful AntiSPAM-BOT System, and Also
Provides a PUZZLE System that Only Humans Can Solve.
Thank You Very Much KEYCAPTCHA. :up::up::up:
My Best Regards.