Here's a handy dandy little script I use at my place >
You can leave everything as it is. It's a tiny 4K file.
Create a folder with the images you want to rotate through. I sized mine at 250w x an average of 158h. The height varies and the widget streches to fit. Drop the rotate.php file in with them. Works best with 50 or less images in the folder. Shoot them up on your ftp. Remember where you parked them.
In the cms HTML widget put the path to the folder as you normally would do an img src image call except the image path ends with rotate.php. If you call the rotate.php more than once from different spots, all of them will display the same image at the same time. One folder, one call.
You're done. Go admire your handywork. Refresh the screen or jump to another page and come back.
Oh and it works in the sidebar widgets.