Automating "Classifieds" Forums.
I'm trying to work out some tweaks to reduce the moderators and resources requirements in the classifieds section of a new forum I'm looking at building. Going from previous experience on another board, the classifieds section contains about 1/3 of the content, but needs to be heavily moderated. Bringing in Infractions made a massive difference to the moderation side and I'm looking for other things along these lines to move towards a more automated section.
Further, I would like to use the classifieds to generate some income by limiting users access to the section buy allowing a threads running at the same time, but if they wish to have more commercial quantities I'd wanting to use the paid subscription to boost their posting rights.
All good in theory, now in practice I would like be able to do the following.
I would like to allow registered users to place (say) 2 consecutive (running) threads in the classifieds sections This limitation would only exist for the classifieds not other forums. Once the item is sold (using a sold prefix the user applies) the ad is automatically moved or deleted so the user has another free slot available and the sold ad isn't cluttering the rest of the section.
I'm unsure if I wish the thread to be deleted or moved to a "recycle bin" forum not veiwable to users/search engines. I'm undecided on the best approach for various reasons.
I would set up paid subscriptions to allow (say) 5 slots. renewable every (say) 3 months,
and another for Unlimited ads renewable every 3 months.
How would such a system be possible in Vbulletin?
I would be using other things as well to assist with the classifieds as well (Itrader etc) however it is the above that has me perplexed.
Any ideas, I'm not great on the programing side and I guess I'm looking for an answer along the lines of
a) There is already a mod for that,
b) It is possible by doing XYZ in adminCP
c) it will require significant mods and you'll need someone to do the code