Originally Posted by Deirdre
I flipped the entire screen. I just started. It's awesome!
I put this in additional css:
body {
-moz-transform: scaleX(-1); /* Gecko */
-o-transform: scaleX(-1); /* Operah */
-webkit-transform: scaleX(-1); /* webkit */
transform: scaleX(-1); /* standard */
filter: FlipH; /* IE 6/7/8 */
I know it's kind of late but if anyone wants, here is this code as an installable product. It has 1 in 10 chance of "mirroring" your forum.
You can change the 1 in 10 chance by editing the first line of the plugin, (1, 10) to (1, X) where X is a 1 in X chance.
For VB 3.8.x Only. (maybe 3.7.x)