Me here again!
I have found a small bugs, I think...
When you are in the microCART admin panel and go to edit a product ("microCART -> Products & Services"), you have a list with the products. If you click the name of the product, the link goes to a (blank) page like this (bad link):
You must choose the "Edit" option in the drop-down menu, so the link will be something like this (good link):
It's only a small diference between words (edit in one link, and editproduct in other).
microCART settings have the option to choose the symbols for thousands and decimals separators. By defect are "," and "." respectly. I changed them because in Spanish are "." for thousands and "," for decimals. When I was testing with Paypal to paid the product, Paypal gives me an error about the price format. Then, I changed again the symbols to the defect settings and... vual?, Paypal was happy!!!
There isn't a grave error, but it would be nice if you can fix that for non English forums.
I added links to a product, as forum and as a demo. Something like this:
But no one of them works. Demo link was cutted after "showthread", and forum link after "forum/" (yes, one without the slash, other with it).
I have bought a product as test, with the reviews activated, but... I have had no chance to write a review (yes, with the buyer user). There isn't a link or image... nothing.
Sorry for the inconvenience

And for my English. It's no my native language.
Thanks and regards!!! :up: