After buying vBulletin last december, I seriously got suprised that this wasn't 'default' in vB (especially because we are up at version 2.2.2 by now).
As a guest, I was wondering why some buttons appeared on the menu, since some have been set to 'disabled' for guests through the admin control panel.
As a registerd user, I was wondering why buttons like login or register were showing up on the menu, when I was logged in.
As a admin/supermod, I was wondering why I kind of missed a link to the admin/mod section.
I really hope freddie does implement this all (or partially *g*) into version 3. I would really appriciate this (and I think more members will do).
>>brainstorm>> Maybe it is nice to have this as an option in the admin control panel > Forum options.
Show link on frontpage to the admin [x] and/or moderator [ ] back-end ?
Show link on menu to 'register' [ ] and/or 'login' [x]
or something near that.