Start by disabling the plugin/hook system:
If you are able to access your AdminCP go to
AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Plugin/Hook System
And set it to No to disable.
If you cannot access your admincp, then do the following:
First, open your config.php which can be found in your forum root/includes directory
Just below this code:
Past in this code:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
and save the file.
If you would like to enable the plugin/hook system again, either remove the line again or simply comment that line out. To do so, add two forward slashes " / " so it will look like this:
// define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
If you ever need to disable the plugin/hook system again
you simply have to remove those two " / ".
If you still get a white page and you can access your admincp, make sure your style is set to the default Vbulletin style and then test to see if you can access your site.
Did you change anything in your htaccess file? If so, this could also cause you to not be able to access your site.
Good luck.