I a little confused by this really, and I hope you don't mind me saying, but you haven't documented this very well in terms of installation and how actually works behinde scenes.
I have followed the instructions installed the product in my vB 3.8 and uploaded the file to my WP (latest version to date) but when I just made a new post on one of the forums I mapped onto a Wordpress category, it didn't show up anything on my Wordpress.
Tell me if this is wrong. I have a vBulletin forum with the ID '7' and the corresponding Wordpress category I want those posts to go to id ID '3' so in the options I put in 3 for WP and 7 for VB?
And, my forum in domain.com/forum/ and my wordpress is domain.com/wordpress/ neither are in the root - how will I write this in the options?