Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
I don't think the actual image contained malware. I get google warnings from time to time and the problem is someone linked an image in their post from a domain google knows to distribute malware. Even though the image itself is safe, Google sees the link to the bad domain and puts a warning on your page.
There's not much to do about it short of not allowing your users to post images.
so it is not always the image contain malware, but sometime only the domain
usually the images that suspicious like this are not showing, and we can open and check the images directly by new address bar, if its get suspicious we can removed the image from the post
if there is otherway guys to know before google please share to us
Originally Posted by Lynne
If you know the domain name they have an issue with, you can put it in your banned/censored words and then users can't link to images from that domain.
ah you right we can do this too after get the warning. I ban the member username and ip too that posted