I am an admin of a vBulletin 3.8.7 forum and users are unable to PM me. I was having this problem before my upgrade to 3.8.7 too (I had 3.8.1 before)
Anyways, when users try to PM me, they get this message:
Shaq has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.
If you are trying to send this message to multiple recipients, remove Shaq from the recipient list and send the message again.
I have ...
- Private messages enabled in the UserCP
- no check mark next to "Receive Private Messages only from Contacts and Moderators" in the UserCP
- Disabled all plugins
- Only 44 PMs in my inbox (1000 is the limit)
What else could be the problem? How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance