Hi there..
First of all.... WORKING PERFECTLY ON 4.1.2!
Well don't know if this will help now, but... i've been using this mod sience a long time and i finnally resolved all the issues:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/modsystem_functions.php
Fails for 2 reasons, the first is that you install the mod and dont setup all the admin options, there are two groups of options, one is for all the statics and the other is for administrator and usergroup permisions...
In order to solve the problem, you must go to your admin control panel, and than you must go to your options and configure all the forums that will use this mod, after that you must go to the statics rebuilt option (in the mod system section en side bar of your admin panel) and than you must go and delete all the user title options (both designer an coder)...
After you do that, rebuilt statics again... and go to your usergroup panel (where registred user grupo, admin grupo, smod gruop are) and than configure options for all user groups, it's important that you do that for all your existent user groups, even if there are no users on it...
When you finish all that, your errors will be gone ..
Originally Posted by aramist
Could this mod be used as a "Topic of The Month" system?
Sure it could work as anything you want, i've just modificated all the phrases and now its a "Contribution system" and use it as topic of the mont.
Originally Posted by da-vinci
Got a couple of problems, MOTM, Mark as Installed & Tag Modification arn't showing.
Not sure what's going on with MOTM every time I set it to be enabled, it reverts to disabled.
Any advice?
If you got some templates modified on your forum, maybe some options wont show. Backup your templates and revert them, may be it'll work... there are options in the admin panel to configure everything on the sidebar...
worked perfect for me...
Originally Posted by SEW810
Just a lil question. I can't see the Donation link at my forum.
Donations are enabled (mod settings and user group setts) but I can't see it
I know, I know, I can't donate myself, I used a test account (perrmissions to use the mod system=YES) but nothing is shown. What's wrong?.
Any help?
Did you went to your user control panel to configure the personal settings of the donation? ...