Originally Posted by morpheus302
When viewing a file i have this error:
Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in [path]/dbtech/downloads/actions/download.php on line 26
Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in [path]/dbtech/downloads/actions/download.php on line 26
I'll look into this

Thanks for reporting!
Originally Posted by TeknoSounds
Very interested in this myself, would def like to nominate these for later editions.
Especially the second one, as I would like to use my shared host for my files since I have unlimited server space there, which would help keep my dedicated host clear.
Actually, maybe even bump the ability to include a full CDN as an option?
We'll consider adding this in!
Originally Posted by ixian
I've installed the lite version and so have answered some questions for myself. The permissions I get now - I believe the paid version has more options there.
You can also locate the directory anywhere on the server. A CDN might work if you can map a virtual drive - some offer that feature.
The biggest problem right now is it dumps all files in to the same directory. There really should be an option to create a sub-directory per category, at least. For larger sites with lots of categories the current scheme would be a bit of a nightmare to manage.
The product also has a few minor bugs here and there, such as raw tags like </ br> showing up in the description - something isn't being parsed right.
It's pretty nice though, and has real potential. If they can add the sub-directory by category and fix a few bugs it'd be a hell of a addon.
I'm am investigating the parsing issue right now

The categorised listings is an interesting suggestion however so we may consider doing that!
- David