Originally Posted by madrtr
I thought that would be the case..... lol.
Anyway is there anyway of easily copying the forum style x 3 times, renaming each to Wii, PS3 etc and changing the status icons of each style?
I assume that once the member clicks on the specific forum from the forum home index it will change the style right through of that area? or will it be a matter of assigning the forum style to each sub forum within the gaming platform as well?
You just go to "Add A New Style" and choose your original style as the "Parent Style" then the only thing you change is the path to the status icons.
You do this for each style (wii, ps3, etc..) each time choosing the original as the parent style.
This way if you ever have to edit the style you just edit the original/parent style and the changes will be made in all the styles under it.
You set the styles for each forum in the Forum Manager, you can set it to override the default style per forum...
You should disable letting your users choose styles or at least remove the quick style chooser (if you have it active.)