Originally Posted by MrShides
Thraxus, i'm also on typefrag. Where did you find that code?
How do I display the status of my Ventrilo Server on my website?
We offer a Ventrilo Status Tool on our site that will allow you to create a status block on your website for your server. To take advantage of this tool, first click on the "Ventrilo Status Tool" link under the Services option at the top of our site. From there, you will need to enter your server hostname, port number, and the website?s address this tool will be used on. Then, simply press the Generate button below. This will result in a block of code that you can then insert into your site?s HTML in the proper spot. You should then be able to see the status of your server including any channels and users that are currently on your server.
this is from the typefrag FAQ