Re-tested patched v1.2 with thanks against 4.04 vBulletin ...
ALL field titles and descriptions now appear correctly ... :up:
As an Admin, selected a random WTS (Want to Sell) post in or Buy/Sell forum, posted by another member. Clicked drop down box and selected "Mark as Sold". Worked correctly and post now displayed
[SOLD] instead of the prefix
WTS: :up:
As an Admin, selected the SAME WTS (Want to Sell) post in or Buy/Sell forum. Clicked drop down box and selected "Mark as Unsold". Worked correctly, however, the post no longer displays a prefix at all, when it should reverse itself and display the original prefix, in this case it would have been
Can this be addressed, or is going to be a design limitation as I don't know how tou would keep track of what the original prefix was, except perhaps not replacing it, but simply adding
[SOLD] in front of the original prefix?
Good job overall so far ... :up:
Edit: Also, where can the phrase
[SOLD] be changed so that it appears in a color of our choosing?