Originally Posted by Lynne
Usually if there are php files, then that means they couldn't use plug-ins. Why are you not wanting to have three php files?
Because I'm a little bit lazy...
And I have many sites... (an Alpha, Beta, Charly (test-sites), official site) (all test sites are Password Protected)...
Anything I want to do (add/change), I first add/change to the Alpha (test) site, to see if it works ok.
If everything works ok there, then I go to the Beta (test) site (to see if I still can do it, without any trouble I could have had on the Alpha. and also doing some serious testing, to see if I encounter any bug(s)...
If it's gone well, then I'll then add it to the Charly (test) site (just to refresh my memory, because the time between Beta & Charly can take between 1 week & X weeks)
And after that it's for the Official site...
(and actually at this moment, the Official site isn't even running yet, because at this moment I'm to busy...)
I know, my working method is extremely...
but it's just because I have learned a big lesson from the past... ALWAYS use a test site first...
because our current website/forum (still on phpbb) is really f** up...
Originally Posted by Lynne
The easiest way to insert something into a template without having to edit the template is to use a template_hook in the template. So, look in the templates and see if there is one available where you want to put your text.
I know that,
but like I said before, I'm probably to lazy or to inpatient, and don't like to read a lot.
That I can't find the answer (the code) for that.
I know where I want it:
- in the template: SHOWTHREAD
- at the hook: {vb:raw template_hook.showthread_above_posts}
just haven't found the exact code to make it happen...