Originally Posted by stationar
Tried to install, but it errored: Internal Server Error
Tried reinstall, and got this error:
Product: MICROCART_114_01022011
Looks like to did not remove all the tables for the microcart system and thats why you have this error.
goto your mysql and remove all microcart_ tables then try and re-install.
If you are still having problems please pm me with admincp and cpanel access and ill install it for you.
Originally Posted by Raffaele
Yes, micheal332001....as i only would sell only Services and for the others if i would sell skins or documents yes i would like it to be turned on. this would be very beneficial for many users/clients.
Thank you for your reply,
I will see about an option per product to turn on or off some options.
Originally Posted by JimboSlice
I only sale physical items, dont need downloads. It hasnt been an issue but at times I forget to set it to physical.
I still want the sideblock to work properly. Any updates?
I will put a new option in to turn off the downloads tab, as for the forum block im working on this and will have a new update when i have time.
Im very busy at the moment with privet work at the moment and that comes before any free scripts.
Originally Posted by dale09
Can someone please help. I have installed everything and it seem's to have installed without a hitch. I have a few products added. However, I get some error about a security token missing when trying to add to cart. The usergroup has permission to purchase.
I should have mentioned I downloaded the MICROCART_114_2802011.zip version.
I also notice when clicking the "add to cart" button, it's taking me to http://www.mysite.com/search.php?do=process
Why? Please help
There are no security token missing as i have looked into the add to cart button and as for it taking you to
http://www.mysite.com/search.php?do=process i cannot get this version to do that.
Please send me your site url and login details so that i can try it out on your site.
Originally Posted by mikem164
Can you elaborate a little on how this works, as this may be the reason my Screenshots aren't working.
* /home/username/downloads/
Do I put an actual username in there? in the file it's listed as: /home/***username***/downloads/
Do I need the *'s??
Thanks, Mike
when you got your webhost account you used a username to setup the account in most casses this would be put in where it says ***username***