Originally Posted by TechnoMan
Pls uploading an Version vor vbulletin 4.0.3
vB 4.0.3 was released almost a year ago. Why would you like to keep running such an outdated version?
Originally Posted by deltafx
Question. After its installed how do I change the top nav bar from saying Media to maybe Videos or something of my choice. I dont like it saying media. I saw it in there as a variable but I didnt know what to edit. Thanks.
That's odd, as there's nothing called "media" in DownloadsII. You can search the whole code, but you won't find any occurrence of it. It's probably caused by another mod.
Originally Posted by oldlock
I have an admin user that should have no restrictions getting the maximum upload limit reached error message, There are no limits in any of the usergroups he belongs too - any ideas as to a fix ?
Running 4.1.2 and DL 6.0.7
Are you sure all limitation usergroup settings are set to -1 (and not to 0)? And strict limits set to no?