hey thanks for replying & your support I'm Hosting it on my own server its a window 2008
###### Apache Friends XAMPP (Basis Package) version 1.7.3 ######
+ Apache 2.2.14 (IPV6 enabled)
+ MySQL 5.1.41 (Community Server) with PBXT engine 1.0.09-rc
+ PHP 5.3.1 (PEAR, Mail_Mime, MDB2, Zend)
+ Perl 5.10.1 (Bundle::Apache2, Apache2::Request, Bundle::Apache::ASP, Bundle::Email, Bundle::DBD::mysql, DBD::SQlite, Randy Kobes PPM)
+ XAMPP Control Version 2.5.8 (ApacheFriends Edition)
+ XAMPP CLI Bundle 1.6
+ XAMPP Port Check 1.5
+ XAMPP Security 1.1
+ SQLite 2.8.17
+ SQLite 3.6.20
+ OpenSSL 0.9.8l
+ phpMyAdmin 3.2.4
+ ADOdb v5.10
+ FPDF v1.6
+ Zend Framework 1.9.6 Minimal Package (via PEAR)
+ Mercury Mail Transport System v4.72
+ msmtp 1.4.19 (a sendmail compatible SMTP client)
+ FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.33
+ Webalizer 2.21-02 (with GeoIP lite)
+ apc 3.1.3p1 for PHP
+ eAccelerator 0.9.6-rc1 for PHP
+ Ming 0.4.3 for PHP
+ PDF with pdflib lite v7.0.4p4 for PHP
+ rar 2.0.0-dev for PHP
+ Xdebug 2.0.6-dev for PHP
+ libapreq2 v2.12 (mod_apreq2) for Apache
I've reinstalled xampp many times but the prob still exist.
--------------- Added [DATE]1300368764[/DATE] at [TIME]1300368764[/TIME] ---------------
in admin option Error Handling & Logging settings i set Log Database Errors to a File
check this link
its still creating logs in same folder
please help
--------------- Added [DATE]1300368933[/DATE] at [TIME]1300368933[/TIME] ---------------
MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Thursday, March 17th 2011 @ 06:54:25 PM
Error Date : Thursday, March 17th 2011 @ 06:54:25 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : xxxxxxxxx
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
================================================== ===
i think the prob is with tags
--------------- Added [DATE]1300372664[/DATE] at [TIME]1300372664[/TIME] ---------------
repaired / optimized this tables
tag 6.52 MB 7.03 MB 273.00 MB Yes
tagcontent 67.63 MB 164.92 MB 273.00 MB Yes
tagsearch 2.60 MB 3.47 MB 0
still processing logs
--------------- Added [DATE]1300388847[/DATE] at [TIME]1300388847[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by Lynne
There is nothing I can do with that error. You will need to ask your host if you can actually see the real error somewhere on your server.
hey i have posted the error please can you give some solution???