Originally Posted by ripley
Some notes after purchasing the app and installing this mod.
Things I like... - I love the mod/admin options.
- It seems just a hair snappier than tapatalk.
Things that could be improved... - Favorites on home screen. Would be one less click to get to content.
- Wish there were a light/dark option.
- Notifications - tapatalk does this better at the moment. It shouldn't need another account registration and there's no option to set a specific ringtone for Forum Runner notifications.
I'm really digging the app, but my main gripe is the notifications.
Also wish there was a cheaper branding option that smaller boards could afford. 
I'm guessing you are running Android?
I will add the favorites on home screen in a future revision. Shouldn't be too hard. The light/dark option is another often requested feature. I'll look into this as well.
As for the Notifications, Tapatalk only supports notifications on Android. We have a generic system that will work on ALL devices (including future devices), which is why you require the login.