############## EXAMPLE ERROR #######
Warning: Undefined variable: REQUEST_URI in D:\SITES\site34\www\forums\global.php on line 60
Warning: Undefined variable: QUERY_STRING in D:\SITES\site34\www\forums\global.php on line 68
Warning: Undefined index: HTTP_POST_VARS in D:\SITES\site34\www\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in D:\SITES\site34\www\forums\global.php on line 85
Warning: Undefined index: action in D:\SITES\site34\www\forums\global.php on line 88
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\SITES\site34\www\forums\global.php:60) in D:\SITES\site34\www\forums\admin\functions.php on line 1490
ok guys - I saw a similar error posted a few pages back - I read this entire thread 3 times, and if there was a fix posted I missed it. I'm running IIS 5 if that makes a difference...
I copy all files into the /forums directory - when I go directly to the PluhNews.php I get the above error, but below that the news is displayed - same thing if I use a PHP include in another page - the news is there, right below the same list of errors - I inserted the chdir code above the include global line in the PluhNews.php file - same error. I have tried relative and absolute paths...
This isn't an include problem because it shows the error if I go directly to the nPluhNews.php page - I peeked around in the source, but I'm not too handy with php (or VB for that matter)
The only think I changed during installation was the forums ID - everything else works with the default settings - after getting the error I did change several things playing with variables and paths - various errors came up - the closest I get is a fresh install with no changes because at least the news is displayed under the above errors...
If someone knows what's wrong or could steer me in the right direction I would be grateful.
Thanks in advance for any assistance!