This is the official 3.1.0 Beta 1 Release Information:
The beta 1 series has now begun. I have resumed scripting needs to be completed features for the 3.1x series. In this release, all market items should now work with the exception of the vbExperience market item. Also when purchasing the coupon listings, the coupon listing page hasn't been scripted. However, this should not effect the ability to create and use coupons for your forums so users may still use coupons if you have them enabled.
Also, I still haven't scripted the market store downloadable purchase item yet. Those are coming within the next beta or so version.
Lastly, in this release, the ability to upload has been added so make sure you Chmod /customavatars/ and /images/smilies/ to 777 for uploading permissions.
There are several bug fixes in this release. I'm still awaiting to hear on some other bugs so if you feel like you had a bug in Alpha 4, go ahead and test it with the Beta series and if the bug is still not fixed, please rereport it but make sure to give as much detailed information as possible such as what exact page you were viewing, etc.
P.S. I got another release in on time