I was taught how to drive at age 8, I worked on my first car with my father and since we lived in a rural area, I was able to drive around at age 11. One time while I was driving to a small town, I saw a computer and fell in love with it. Got my first PC at age 12, learnt lots of stuff and later we moved to this other town, with the help of my father, we opened a small Computer Repair center, I was 14 by then.
I was browsing the web one day and found this site where they had background music and animated gifs, I loved it. That site got me into this other side of the web. It was a blog, under the blogspot.com domain. I created an account and the first thing I did was add the animated gifs and bg music to it xD I must admit it was difficult, I didn't know anything about html :P. Now I do, lucky me xD
I've been very sick lately and now that I'm feeling a bit better, I have decided to learn how to play the guitar.
As to letting your child have his own website, let him. If he truly wants his own site and you don't let him, he will on your back(I'm guessing you wouldn't like that). Depending on how you have raised him, he should be mature enough by this age, so support him.
Greetings from a xx y/o guy.