Originally Posted by Blueracer66
Anyway, thank you for sharing this script with us. I hope you don't drop support for it as I have no plans to upgrade to vBulletin 4.0 (I am happy with vBulletin 3.8.7). 
You are welcome
Well, this version isn't "officially" supported anymore but I definitely won't be pulling this site offline.
Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
I have again looked through this code, I am 100% sure this mod does not by itself add any type of ad to your forum. I am a little less sure however that StopForumSpam.com or AKISMET doesn't send some type of data to this mod that may contain an ad in it.
Thanks to you as well BirdOPrey5 for taking time to analyze the source code.
I am pretty sure Akismet doesn't do this since that is part of wordpress and I can imagine the backlash that would have. I don't see how SFS would be able to stuff this in either. We would have a ton of complaints from the SOM 4.0 thread and I haven't heard anything over there.
Those guys would be better off taking the adwords ID from the source code and reporting it to adsense so whoever is doing that will have their account shut down.