Originally Posted by King Justice
No it's not. Don't even try that BS. I'm reporting this mod. This is BS. You're lucky I don't report you to AdSense.
I'd be curious if you and or the other guy can VIEW SOURCE of your page with the ad, and copy and paste here all the Google Adsense code present. I'd be curious to see if it's an ad from the same place.
I have again looked through this code, I am 100% sure this mod does not by itself add any type of ad to your forum. I am a little less sure however that StopForumSpam.com or AKISMET doesn't send some type of data to this mod that may contain an ad in it.
I really doubt this is the case but IF there was an ad being inserted it's from one of them, not this mod per say.
King Justice if you truly feel this mod should be reviewed you can use the "Report Post" image in the top post and report the mod, include your concerns. That will let the mods here know your concerns. Someone with more skills than I may take a look.