could you please check the bugs I reported ?
think I found a bug:
Wenn you open a item which has shipping set to mail you have to fill out the "store shipping information".
1. forgett to fill out for instance the "full name" and click on "Confirm Purchase: Credits".
The page reloads, no error is shown and clicking again on the submit-button is impossible.
1. if you fill out all fields and submit the form the page reloads and nothing happens.
Bug No.2
Deposit or Withdrawl: (x) Deposit: 25
Reason: Test
Amount: 10
Transaction Information
The amount you have requested to deposit is less then the minimum deposit amount. Please deposit at least 5.95.
Possible reason for the error:
The variable which holds the minimum amount in phrase $vbphrase[market_error_bank_3] is wrong.
I did a check:
if ($amount < $minimum_deposit) {
$error = 3; // Amount is less then minimum deposit
$amount is correct.
$minimum_deposit is correct too (in my example it was 10.95.
Hope this helps you out buddy. If u have any further questions regarding this 2 bugs let me know.