Originally Posted by squidsk
I've found two minor display bugs in the most recent version of YAAS. I'm running YAAS and VB 4.1.2. I also noticed this on the boards of another member who posted a problem here so I know it isn't just me (in fact the screenshots are from the other members boards).
If you look at the two screens I've labeled the problems 1 & 2. Problem 1 only appears when a members profile page first displays or if you refresh the page, as soon as you select any tab on the member page problem 1 disappears (due to the call to tabViewPicker(this)). Problem 2 is always there.
Originally Posted by RobbieZ
This is because the mod was written for a 4.0.2 board and barely anything above, vb changed the way the tabs are displayed and called and this is why the mod breaks as the original php was using 4.0.2 syntax.
Your 2nd problem will only be solved when the coder updates the mod for the latest version of vb.
Same problem..
Also its screws up my footer start google ad. Same issue, will fix that too.?
Originally Posted by squidsk
Here's a fix that fixes both issues:
1) Disable/delete the YAAS - Profile Tab Plugin that is attached to the member_complete hook (in other words my previous fix for problem 1 is not required anymore). If this isn't done you will get two Awards tabs on profile pages.
2) Make the following edits (all text in blue needs to be added) to the YAAS in Member Profile - Profile plugin that is attached to the member_build_blocks_start hook:
$blocklist['myawards'] = array(
'class' => 'MyAwards',
'title' => $vbphrase['awards'],
'options' => array(
'pagenumber' => $vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber']
'hook_location' => 'profile_tabs_last',
'wrap' => false
When this mod is updated to 4.1.x will this need to be "undone".?
Since it only affacts the profile, & not the actual awards page itself, should i just wait.?